Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday 28th October

Today is a public holiday here. We are not sure what for but we will see how the day unfolds and report tomorrow. Wednesday was a grey day which got quite chilly in the afternoon. It warmed up in the evening but we didn’t stray too far from the villa. The very brave actually went into the pool.

In the evening we went down into Paphos town and had dinner at an outdoor restaurant in the square. The restaurant was the meeting place for a large number of feral cats which gathered around the tables of diners who looked likely to supply some tidbits from their meals. If any morsels were dropped there was a major tussle to get at them with the usual screeching and meowing.

We had a very nice, mostly fish dinner with some good local wine. After this we drove down to the port area which, it being off-season was very quiet but we did manage to find the Pingouino Café where they served ice cream, crepes and good coffee so we took advantage of that for a while and watched the world go by from there.

I am going to include some photos in this posting and I hope that they work out OK

Some delicious Greek pastries

A small date palm which grows by the pool

The Pingouino Cafe

Millie's Rosie bear who met a musical rabbit in the restaurant.

The feral cats at an outdoor restaurant in Paphos

Today has dawned grey again so we may venture out somewhere and explore a bit more.

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