Sunday, November 7, 2010

Photos - Thursday 4th November - Meteora

Of course, I took a lot of photos here. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and certainly well worthy of this title. I am including quite a few photos but together with MAC we must have a hundred or more. It is the most dramatic scenery. The monasteries are beautifully kept and very serene. I hope these photos give some impression of the place but no photo can really do it justice.

The remarkable rock formations in the area of Meteora

A view of the area taken from the town of Kalabaka

An impression of the monasteries which are improbably perched atop these rock formations

One of the monasteries we did not visit

This is the nunnery of Santa Barbara which we did visit, we descended down the stairs through the woods to the right in the shot.

Another shot of a monastery

MAC descending to the nunnery - she decided not to take the vows

The nunnery of Santa Barbara

Another view of the nunnery, note the fire escape!!!

The nunnery gardens

Another monastery - here you can see the sheer inaccessibility of the buildings

The remarkable rock formations are all around you

More of them...

If you look closely, you can see the two climbers ascending this almost sheer wall of rock

MAC calling the monks of St Nicholas monastery to prayer

Another view from the town, outside 'Mama's Restaurant'

Mama's restaurant at Kalabaka

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