Sunday, November 7, 2010

Photos - Wednesday 3rd October - Delphi

The entrance way at Delphi

A panorama of the site at Delphi

The conical stone, said to represent the 'Navel of the Earth' which was what Delphi was thought to be.

The Treasury at Delphi

Our excellent guide Ianni at Delphi.

The Temple of Apollo at Delphi, this was where the Oracle made her 'predictions' and where the pilgrims came to ask their questions and receive their ambiguous answers

An overview of the site taken from above the theater

This gives some idea of the dramatic mountainside setting of the area, on the left is the crag from which Aesop was dispatched.

The staute of Leonidas, the defeated Spartan at the Battle of Thermopylae at the site of the battle. Behind him were 300 cypress trees which represented the 300 Spartans who died with him at the hands of the Persians. Unfortunately, many of the trees have died and now there are a lot less than 300.

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